Fleur de Lotus


Cast and Blown Glass
12h x 8w x 8d in
30.48h x 20.32w x 20.32d cm


Catherine Benoit was born in the Eastern Townships in 1978. She developed an interest for the arts at a really young age. When she was eight years old she witnessed a glass blower and that was it, she was in love. She went through her studies concentrating mostly on her art. After exploring many mediums during her college studies in art at Cégep de Sherbrooke, she relocated to Montreal, where she obtained in 2002, a diploma from Espace Verre le Centre des Métiers du Verre du Québec. The works of Catherine Benoit are inspired by her travels and reflect her other passion which is dance. The flamboyant colors of the costumes and the sensual curves of the dancers are translated through her artistic vocabulary. Enthusiasm, passion and love of life emerge from her creations.