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Della Detail

Reclining Figure

The Messenger

My stone sculptures are mystical in nature. An AJC reviewer once said “Jane creates dreams in stone”. My art reflects the coexistence of the conscious and subconscious, the symbolic and literal, and the ancient and modern.
I am a direct carver. I draw directly on the stone. With an idea in my mind, I start chiseling. Being a figurative sculptor I usually start an idea that revolves around the human form. Sometimes I am inspired by an object. I have added interesting found objects that suggest wings or neckpieces and the like!!! My most recent sculpture evolved into a diver since the cool blue marble I was carving for the body suggested water. I attached a crystal head and she became a sea nymph.
It is a discovery of the unconscious. Your body follows what your creative self dictates. My art evolves usually as I create it.
I am especially interested in combining various materials in my figures. I pay homage to the Greco-Roman roots of stone in sculpture. I combine contemporary bodies with Greek faces. From the Romans, I borrow the process of combining different stones in one figure. The winged figure is one of my favorite Greek motifs. I recently created a Nike figure from stone and found objects. She is ancient in that she is in ruin..no head, arms or legs. She is modern in her wings are created from the curved back of an antique chair. She floats on copper tubing.
My stone sculptures invite the viewer to interpret thus creating their own stories.